Dear players!
On July 4, 2023 Olympia [x15] and Federation [x15] servers will be merged based on Federation [x15] server settings.
Attention! The general conditions for merging and transferring game characters and values are presented below.
However, we invite you to take part in a poll about the transfer NPC-buffer from Olympia [x15] server to Federation [x15] server.
Dear friends!
Congratulations on the upcoming May holidays!
To mark the occasion, today all characters* on the HF servers received gift packs including:
Lesser Pandora Bracelet Box (7 days)
Cloak of Greenery Box (3 days)
Cloak of Flames Box (3 days)
Shield of Victory
Flame Box Pack (5)
Also, HF server players can additionally receive bonuses using the following codes:
Phoenix Agathion 7-Day Pack [Oriental Phoenix]
Code for receiving the item: PHOENIXAGATHION7DAYS12ZFWXI3KLO7
Box of Experience 200% (Type 1)- 1 hour
Contains Runes of Experience Points 200% (1 hour) and Rune of SP 200% (1 hour). Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or destroyed. Can be stored in a private warehouse.
The Rune timer starts immediately after opening the box, the countdown continues even when the character is offline!
Code for receiving the item: RUNE2001HRLYY3YL7DBHT1QTK3TCVZO8
Accounts with Premium-subscription can also receive additional items using the following codes:
Rocket Gun Hat Pack
Box of Experience 200% (Type 1)- 1 hour
Contains Runes of Experience Points 200% (1 hour) and Rune of SP 200% (1 hour). Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or destroyed. Can be stored in a private warehouse.
The Rune timer starts immediately after opening the box, the countdown continues even when the character is offline!
Code for receiving the item: RUNE2001HJOU8WOHKTW5XNUYK7HH6U9U
On the Ertheia server all characters* received gift sets, including:
XP Rune III (Lv. 1-99) 200% Pack (1-hour) (2)
Phoenix Agathion 7-Day Pack [Oriental Phoenix]
Rocket Gun Hat Pack
Flame Box Pack (5)
ATTENTION! All items obtained by codes can be receives by any character on the account from the NPC Demensioanl Manager.
The character must have at least 20% of free slots in the inventory and no exceeded weight limit!
*Above level 40 (on the x1000 server - above level 75) who have logged into the game within the last 30 days.
Dear friends!
RPG-Club announces the opening of a new High Five server with х15 rate and buffer this spring.
Departing from the Club's long tradition, the launch will take place on Friday, March 24, 2023!
The name and slogan of the server is up to you to choose - you can present your suggestions in a special channel of our server in Discord from February 27 to March 1 - join the server to find out the details and take part!
In addition, during a series of short votings in our Telegram channel , you will be able to choose a number of key server settings - the duration of the Olympiad period, the range of available buffs, and others.
New questions will be presented to your attention every three days from February 27 to March 17 - join the Club's Telegram channel to take part!
And do not forget to reserve your ingame nick* before the server start!
Dear friends!
On the occasion of the upcoming Motherland Defender's Day we have prepared bonus-codes with gifts for everyone:
Attention! Items can be obtained on any HF server of the Club, make sure that the server you need is selected in the menu on the website!
Code activation is available till Feb 27 2023!
1. Warriors Helmet 7-Day Pack
Wrapped pack containing a warrior's helmet (7 day). Cannot be droped, traded, mailed or sold in private store.
Code for receiving this item: 23FEB17ZTBRR1KUWFGPB1L1AA13P6DJW
2. Rune of Crystal Level 5 7-Day Pack
Wrapped pack containing a Rune of Crystal Level 5 (7 day). Cannot be droped, traded, mailed, sold in private store or stored in CWH.
Ancient characters which endow mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. It decreases 5 levels of penalty for your equipment grade. The remaining period decreases even during log-off state.
Code for receiving this item: 23FEB25QNP6O3GQC40S9GQTLAFSVDG58
3. Red Star Candy
Candy containing energy of a star. Vitality is fully replenished when eaten. Re-use time is 60 minutes. Cannot be droped, traded, mailed, sold in private store or stored in CWH.
Code for receiving this item: 23FEB2VR5XQ7RXWHZ5UP1EKHM2HVZYKH
Accouts with Premium-subscription can also receive additional items using the following codes:
1. Mount - Black Bear Pack (14-day)
Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Black Bear (14-day). Cannot be droped, traded, mailed or sold in private store.
Code for receiving this item: 23FEB4EJKZVTLZHIIANQLOE0II6IIOYS
2. Red Star Candy
Candy containing energy of a star. Vitality is fully replenished when eaten. Re-use time is 60 minutes. Cannot be droped, traded, mailed, sold in private store or stored in CWH.
Code for receiving this item: 23FEB5BH7Y4RWLNWHS5PX5BJQSD7U904
ATTENTION! All items obtained by codes can be receives by any character on the account from the NPC Demensioanl Manager.
The character must have at least 20% of free slots in the inventory and no exceeded weight limit!
Also Lovers' Jubilee event will be held ingame from 13 February till 09 March 2023.
And a special Ingame Shop update s available on Zavod [x1] server offering exclusive holiday items and discounts.
Plus, on the occasion of the upcoming International Women's Day - there will be additional gifts for all players!
Stay tuned!
Dear friends!
Congratulations on the upcoming Valentine's Day!!
On the occasion of this holiday we have prepared bonus-codes with gifts for everyone:
Attention! Items can be obtained on any HF server of the Club, make sure that the server you need is selected in the menu on the website!
ode activation is available till Feb 19 2023![
1. Agathion of Love 7-Day Pack
A wrapped pack containing an Agathion of Love Bracelet (7 days). Cannot be exchanged or dropped. Can be stored in a private warehouse.
Code for receiving this item: VALENTINEGIFT1PX9OC3HDQS9GB4TT4O
2. Summon of Love Bracelet 24-Hour Pack
Wrapped pack containing a Summon of Love Bracelet (24 hours). No exchange/drop/sale available. Item to be stored in a private warehouse.
Bracelet that can summon a lover. The summon is possible when the summoner and the one being summoned are all party members who are equipped with the Summon of Love Bracelet. No exchange/drop/sale available. Item to be stored in a private warehouse.
Code for receiving this item: VALENTINEGIFT2UQKKK3MCP7S4IX0JNN
3. Sweet Chocolate
When used, for 30 minute(s), energy is replenished when Exp. is acquired through hunting. Cannot be used when the same effect is already being received. Re-use time is 60 minutes.
Code for receiving this item: VALENTINEGIFT3RMD50ZDS7QWFDHOEW9
Accouts with Premium-subscription can also receive additional items using the following codes:
1. Chic Silver Chapeau
Chic Silver Chapeau. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Code for receiving this item: VALENTINEGIFT4VJUQ97LX186IWZ1I4A
2. Sweet Chocolate
When used, for 30 minute(s), energy is replenished when Exp. is acquired through hunting. Cannot be used when the same effect is already being received. Re-use time is 60 minutes.
Code for receiving this item: VALENTINEGIFT55KDHYQVEHNDF5C2DXH
ATTENTION! All items obtained by codes can be receives by any character on the account from the NPC Demensioanl Manager.
The character must have at least 20% of free slots in the inventory and no exceeded weight limit!
Also Lovers' Jubilee event will be held ingame from 13 February till 09 March 2023.
And a special Ingame Shop update s available on Zavod [x1] server offering exclusive holiday items and discounts.
Plus, on the occasion of the upcoming holidays - Fatherland Defender's Day and International Women's Day - there will be additional gifts for all players!
Stay tuned!
Dear friends!
On the occasion of the Lunar New Year we have prepared bonus-codes with gifts for everyone:
Attention! Items can be obtained on any HF server of the Club, make sure that the server you need is selected in the menu on the website!
Code activation is available till Jan 31 2023!
1. Box of Experience 100% 1-hour limited period * 5
Contains Runes of Experience Points 100% (1 hour) and Rune of SP 100% (1 hour). Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or destroyed. Can be stored in a private warehouse.
The Rune timer starts immediately after opening the box, the countdown continues even when the character is offline!
Code for receiving this item: 100RUNE1HX5IETFMWI7CLYXVD57ZJK3U
2. New Years Money
Contains a Kadomas Transformation Stick and 3 Kotatz. Cannot be droped, traded, mailed or sold in private store. Can be shared between characters within an account.
Summons Kotatz, who increases HP Regeneration by 40% and MP Regeneration by 20%. The recovery bonus effect occurs only only when summoned away at a certain distance from the town.
Code for receiving this item: KADOMASTSTICKYB2ZMW3AYNMF2TJEI26
3. Honey Rice Cakes Pack
Gift box containing 3 delicious honey rice cakes. Cannot be droped, traded, mailed, sold in private store, used on Olympiad or stored in CWH.
Delicious honey rice cakes. When used, instantly recovers Max MP by 50%. Reuse time is 5 minutes.
Code for receiving this item: HONEYRICECAKESPMDNC3A9EBC5764038
Accouts with Premium-subscription can also receive additional items using the following codes:
1. Box of Experience 100% 1-hour limited period * 5
Contains Runes of Experience Points 100% (1 hour) and Rune of SP 100% (1 hour). Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or destroyed. Can be stored in a private warehouse.
The Rune timer starts immediately after opening the box, the countdown continues even when the character is offline!
Code for receiving this item: PA100RUNE1HAEH9V832C47AAQ5GTARGH
2. Steamed Rice Cake
Delicious steamed rice cake. Energy is fully replenished upon use. Re-use time is 60 minutes. Cannot be droped, traded, mailed, destroyed, sold in private store or stored in CWH.
Code for receiving this item: STEAMEDRICECAKEX676XFN7CA0OI9CRB
ATTENTION! All items obtained by codes can be receives by any character on the account from the NPC Demensioanl Manager.
The character must have at least 20% of free slots in the inventory and no exceeded weight limit!
New 1st characters on account on Zavod [x1] server receives the following items: Box of Experience 200%7-day limited period
Contains Rune of Experience Points 200% (7 days) and Rune of SP 200% (7 days). Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or destroyed. Can be stored in a private warehouse.
The Runes timer starts immediately after opening the box, the countdown continues even when the character is offline!Equipment Set 10-Day Pack Exchange Coupon
КCan exchange for Equipment Set 10-Day Pack. Cannot be droped, traded, mailed, destroyed, sold in private store or stored in CWH.
The coupon can be exchanged at NPCs Newbie Helper/Guide or Adenturer Guildsman.
Dear friends!
RPG-Club wishes you a Merry Chrisеmas and a Happy New Year!
We wish you and your loved ones good health, peace and prosperity in the new year 2023!
As usual, on the occasion of the holidays, we have prepared special gifts and events for you!
Dear friends!
Starting today, the game has the following bonuses:
New 1st characters on account[ receive the following items::
Rune of EXP 50% [7 Day Expiration Period] - Attention! The effect of this Rune is summed up with the effect of Runes purchased in the game store! The countdown continues even when the character is offline!
Rune of SP 50% [7 Day Expiration Period] - Attention! The effect of this Rune is summed up with the effect of Runes purchased in the game store! The countdown continues even when the character is offline!
Light Purple Maned Horse Mounting Bracelet 7-Day Pack
No Grade Beginners Adventurer Support Pack
D-Grade Fighter Support Pack
D-Grade Mage Support Pack
All players on Zavod [x1] server can recieve bonuses using the following bonus-codes.
Attention! Only one of these four codes can be used per account!
1. Box of Experience 100% 5-hour limited period
Contains Rune of Experience Points 100% (5 hours) and Rune of SP 100% (5 hours). Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or destroyed. Can be stored in a private warehouse.
Code for receiving this item: BONUS99F48TQ9TW6JX2G93GUA8L0ZVM7
2. Box of Experience 200% 1-hour limited period
>Contains Rune of Experience Points 100% (5 hours) and Rune of SP 100% (5 hours). Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or destroyed. Can be stored in a private warehouse.
Code for receiving this item: BONUSU2FCY4OJSA6GA7OHYXDFQ1ZN4OR
3. Good Luck Lucky Bag
Lucky Bag filled with good luck If you use it, you can acquire the hair accessory that has the Vitality Recovery Capability. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold.
Code for receiving this item: BONUSZ1FDR0C1VZ2JLEO1UAQ9W1DFNP6
4. *100 Nevits Voice
Code for receiving this item: BONUSAEO811Z5DV20JRVE91XERK5NPO1
You can also receive one of the following items.
Attention! Only one of these four codes can be used per account!
1. Plastic Hair 7-Day Pack[Blessed Scroll of Escape]
Code for receiving this item: ESCAPE8D7JPGJ466GS99CY1X0N3VUAJC
2. Button-Eyed Bear Doll Agathion 7-Day Pack [Escape]
Code for receiving this item: ESCAPEOVY1UVF668LI1GH79GQ16RF6OA
3. Agathion of Baby Panda 7-Day Pack [Blessed Scroll of Escape]
Code for receiving this item: ESCAPE5X545V8ZTPGIIVYY3DBZVMLUON
4. Black Maneki Neko Agathion 7-Day Pack [Escape]
Code for receiving this item: ESCAPE6D1K1T6IM8DL0VITUFWN64F0LO
Accouts with Premium-subscription can also receive additional items using the following codes::
1. Box of Experience 100% 1-hour limited period
Code for receiving this item: PA1H100F9WVVFDAK2FCKFW1H75TEL0OW
2. Afro Hair 7-Day Pack
Code for receiving this item: PABONUSEF7AOTMPMOW51ZNBA7ZF7AH85
All items obtained by codes can be receives by any character on the account from the NPC Demensioanl Manager.
The character must have at least 20% of free slots in the inventory and no exceeded weight limit!
Dear friends!
Server Zavod [x1] on HIGH FIVE official patform will be launched on 14 November 2022 at 17:00 UTC!
Detailed description of the server settings, including PA configuration and custom gameplay changes, will be soon published in the respective forum section.
Participate in Pre-launch Photo Contes and win useful prizes on the new server!
And do not forget to reserve your ingame nick* before the server start!
Dear friends!
New classic Lineage 2 H5 server by RPG-club “Russia” -
Zavod [x1] - starts in November 2022!
Preliminary vote, in which you have chosen the type of the desired server, has ended.
See results of 1st stage >>>
It's time for the main vote, in which you are to choose detailed settings of the game world: PA bonuses, store assortment, relevant gameplay changes
Also hurry up to reserve your nickname on the new server before the start!*